Our Story

Zari was created after my husband and I came back from a birthday party where the celebrant was gifted at least 25 birthday cakes. They made nice Instagram pictures but ended up just being shared with the guests to take home. While doing more research, we realized that cake gifting had become the norm because it requires little to no thought or effort. Following these discussions, my group of friends also decided we would simply gift each other cash gifts so everyone could purchase what they want rather than the uninspired yearly cake exchange.

These two experiences made us think of how we could solve the problem of uncreative gift-giving & the struggle for coming up with creative and convenient ways to gift your loved ones items/experiences they would appreciate. Receiving a Zari gift box should make you feel like the person who sent it put in that extra effort to make you feel special.

We finally decided to create a gifting app that would encourage people to gift in creative ways while keeping the process simple & seamless. How could we do that? Gift cards that would be beautifully packaged alongside unique physical gifts because emailing someone a gift card and showing up to a party empty-handed may not always be appropriate.

When it came time to choose a name for the app, I knew it had to echo the foundation of family, friendship & LOVE which translates to the relationship between myself and my kids. Zari combines my name and the names of my two boys which inherently drives the main mission of this company.

Commit to delivering gifts of exceptional quality, showcasing the craftsmanship of local artisans and ensuring every product meets our high standards.
Prioritize the needs and satisfaction of our customers, ensuring a seamless and delightful experience from browsing to receiving their chosen gifts.
Operate with transparency and integrity, building trust with customers, partners, and employees through open communication and ethical business

Meet our amazing team providing easy-to-use platform for curating & delivering exceptional gifts and experiences.

Zainab Yahaya-Edu
Maryam Muhammed
Project Manager
Ishioma Dylys Samson

Our mission is to provide an easy-to-use platform for curating and delivering unique gifts & experiences to your loved ones in just a few simple clicks.


Zari is an interactive gifting app that enhances the gifting experience with technology, data, and community. We curate and deliver unique gift boxes to your loved ones for all the special and ‘just because’ moments too. Our luxury-packaged Zari gift boxes also include gift cards, so recipients can choose gifts they love from our specially selected stores in Abuja (for now).

Discover the heart of our gifts – handpicked from talented Nigerian vendors. These treasures showcase the brilliance of local creativity, often outshining international brands. What’s more, we’re dedicated to empowering women entrepreneurs, giving their remarkable creations a platform to shine.